
Iconic Concierge Magazine Case Study

11/28/23 | Published By Angela Campbell

Landa Nanographic Press – Iconic Concierge Magazine Case Study


Iconic Concierge is a high-end luxury lifestyle magazine in British Columbia. Envisioned as the definitive magazine helping define affluence with high-end living and over-the-top lifestyle. Mitchell has partnered with Iconic Concierge Magazine since its inception, combining high-quality offset covers with Heat Set web offset text to create this luxury magazine.

Front and back covers of brightly coloured magazine called Iconic Concierge. On a black background and demonstrates colourful printing capabilities.
The Opportunity

Our Business Solutions Specialist, Luis Gurreiro worked with long-term partner Iconic Concierge Magazine, sharing how Landa technology can help them leverage new revenue streams, compete with digital advertising, and open new revenue opportunities.

The Iconic Concierge January 2023 issue was coincidentally the first live production project produced on Canada’s first and only Landa Nanographic press shortly after installation. Immediately showcasing stunning results, we quickly engaged in discussions around how to leverage the press’s unique abilities on the following issues.

3 different colourful magazine covers for Iconic Concierge Magazine. This show the capabilities of variable printing
The Results

The April 2023 issue featuring a short-run, limited-edition ‘75 years of Porsche’ covers, leveraging both expanded Gamut CMYKOGB inking with breathtaking colour, and custom variability for short-runs, all at a fractional additional cost.

Iconic Concierge helped their Porsche partner understand we could use our Landa technology to enhance their experience by creating their own custom edition at a fractional cost increase. When they showed their partners the new custom covers, they were blown away with the results.

– Luis Gurreiro, Sr. Business Solutions Specialist

Having the opportunity to create custom covers at a very affordable price-point adds a lot of value, not just to my existing clients. It opens up a whole new way of marketing as a client can now order personalized store copies for their own clients, from just their added logo to a whole bespoke cover.

– Olaf Robrecht, Publisher
Open magazine called Iconic Concerige to show printed quality. It is on a back background
What’s Next

Publishers can take advantage of new revenue opportunities that add value for their advertisers through personalization and regionalization of their publications. They can create geographically relevant advertising opportunities with short-run  customization. Custom editions, ad sponsored editions, and custom corporate features, are all a simple variation away, no longer requiring the wasteful and costly setup associated with conventional print technology. 

Ask your Mitchell Solutions Specialist how your publication can leverage Landa technology for more revenue generating opportunities. Request a Quote

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