In 2017, Mitchell partnered with Climate Smart to measure our carbon footprint and create a baseline for our sustainable performance for years to come. We’re proud to have published our Mitchell Press Ltd Corporate Social Responsibility Report
right here.
Our ongoing environmental mitigation strategy includes the following...
We are always testing. Recently, Mitchell was one of the first printers in NorthAmerica to press test reHarvest™, the Willamette Falls Paper Company’s agricultural residue straw paper, which is comprised of 10% wheat straw fibre. We were so delighted with the results of the gloss, matte and offset print runs, we happily offer it as a unique alternative to virgin or post-consumer RC (recycled) fibre.
We continue to trial and offer new alternative fibres, such as the lovely, design-friendly Mohawk Renewal line of recycled cotton, hemp and straw fibre enhanced papers. All of our house paper stocks are FSC® certified.
Our packaging is getting a lighter footprint: we are changing our packaging procurement to ensure at least half of it is created with 80-100% post-consumer waste content by 2021.
Mitchell provides Eco Audits to identify the amount of energy, water and trees that were saved during the printing of specific projects. We track paper use and encourage post consumer waste and FSC® certified papers for our clients.
Our Mitchell Digital Print Division was launched in 2017 to provide print-on-demand services, eliminate unnecessary waste and enable more strategic print management for our clients.
Our online PRINT MARKETING STOREFRONTS empower our clients to manage their own recurring work from their desktop devices. As a result, internal handling and external transportation are reduced, minimizing proofing costs and saving time and energy.